This blogg will be about one of the most overlooked miniature ranges out there; The Prince August Fantasy Armies range. This range of ready-made miniatures was released back in the days when a pen and paper rolplaynig games was the new cool thing. They were also quit unique in the market at that time, because they were both taller and more “realistic” than most other miniature that were out there. The new line also broke with the previous figures sculpted for Prince August fantasy moulds, how looked more like the Minifigs and the early Grenadier fantasy ranges.
So, what is it about these miniatures and way still collect them more then 20 years later?
First of all they are what one could call a generic fantasy range, even if they were intended for the AD&D game. Second, they are more or less anatomically correct. Something that is quit rare among miniatures of any type whether they are historical or not. But one could argue that there is still a line of miniatures produced by PA (Prince August) to day that embodies the same characteristics: namely Mithril. Yeas, they are also sculpted by the talented Chris Tubb but these are based on the works of J.R.R Tolkin. And even if I read the Lord of the rings many times I’m not a huge fan of Tolkins works.
But for me the biggest reason is pure and simple nostalgia. This were the first ready made fantasy miniature I owned back when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old and they were also the most common fantasy figures in Sweden back then. A round 1991 when I got in to the RPG hobby you could still buy rulebooks, adventures and figures in the average toy store. And I guess it was logical to stock miniatures by PA when most toy stores was already selling the moulds by the same company. So for many in Sweden this was the models you used for RPG:s in the 80's.
Hopefully the blogg will grow with both pictures of miniatures and useful information about how to identify them and were to buy them. My goal is to revue all the figures in the range as soon as I have bought and painted them all…
One of my first minis!
CH14 Druid |